A Proven Strategy To Recover Your Life

The first Life-Lesson helped me to get off the ground

Photo by Alex Iby on Unsplash

As babies, we learn to walk through stumbles and falls, but after all the tears are over, we get back up and try again; until we get a hold on learning how to walk. As soon as we get momentum after many attempts — we become unstoppable.

Later on, we scraped our knees, trying to learn how to ride a bike. It seems impossible initially, but gravity can no longer stop us as soon as we get momentum.

It’s all about defying gravity that we turn momentum into our ally.

To understand this concept well, let’s start with the definition of momentum and use it to get what we want in life.

Doesn’t that sound interesting?

And I say “sound” because I know something is ringing in your head.

Momentum: The strength or force that allows something to continue or grow stronger or faster as time passes.

To give you a real-life example:

I struggled for many years trying to figure out how to get out of alcoholism. I tried setting up a goal by stopping for a month, but just days before reaching it, my mind was boiling with the desire to drink again. Everything in life bored me, and it seemed that I could not find flavor in life.

The point is, even if I got sober just for a few days, I realized what a difference it made in my being — that was my motivation. What I couldn’t get was a hot streak and convert it into sustainable progress.

However, I kept trying until I got into the right state of mind at the right time for things to click — I managed to gain momentum.

But then I enter the pain period.

A time when I was so fragile that anything had the potential to break me. I needed to be aware of my moods, and meditation saved me from falling back to the abyss.

With a clear mind, I was able to find help through reading, and accidentally, I discovered writing. I wanted to give testimony of my restoration to help those still struggling, and writing became a tool to declutter my mind — and help others.

I noticed in my writing how I failed so many times to get to where I am now. But: “Being in motion and making mistakes was better than sitting in a shelter chair.”

I begin to intentionally find motivation even in insignificant acts, like looking at my face in the mirror and telling myself: “I’ve come too far to stop now.” that was pure raw motivation.

Discovering habits that create discipline.

The first time I was able to get a streak of four months of sobriety. It felt like an eternity. I surpassed my goal. I was riding past the momentum wave, but I knew I needed to find habits to help me sustain my progress deep inside my heart.

Between that period, I could not even sustain five minutes watching tv; it made me so anxious. Something was missing, and I knew what it was in the back of my mind. Every time my old ways were calling me, I changed the channel in my mind.

Writing became a powerful tool I used to vent my thoughts. It was a mix of journaling my feelings and creating powerful messages, which made me aware of my strengths and weaknesses.

The game-changer began when I read many motivational books; I knew I needed to sustain my progress. I became proactive at practicing mindfulness to watch my steps and sensitive to the wonders of sobriety.

I fell in love with life with a clearer mind.

So, to give a summary.

From my own experience, I believe that these strategies, tools, and habits are the roadmap to achieve what you want in life; apply to any endeavor.

Whether you want to start a business and don’t have customers yet, you are out of shape but have difficulty getting up early, or bad habits plagued your life, you need to start by building momentum — that’s the pillar of all beginnings.

Be aware that even after you pass the momentum waves, times of doubt will come. That’s where you should Scale-up and advance. After you pass the pain period, then you’ll be able to continue filling your life with the right motivation to withstand any test.

This roadmap helped me get out of the disastrous life I was living. I was heading straight to a dead-end — death road.

Let me show you the proof of my words:


There is no better way to explain it to you — A total transformation.

Together we can learn better!

To live a better life full of constructive habits that create self-development and personal growth.