I learned To Be Honest With Myself
“Some folks have the world handed to them on a silver platter, while others have to start a fire by rubbing two sticks together.”
The most radiant diamonds emerge from the darkest coals, but first, they undergo intense temperatures to reveal their beauty.
Regrettably, this was my unfortunate reality.
Despite numerous opportunities to thrive in this country, I succumbed to the temptation of enjoying the fruits of my labor immediately rather than diligently sowing, reaping, and storing them like a wise farmer.
The absence of responsibility can lead to financial ruin and even social instability, resulting in homelessness.
Continuously pursuing fun only leads to self-destruction.
It’s akin to a dog attempting to bite its tail by circling. Eventually, the dog will cause itself pain when it achieves its goal.
Worse still, I obsessively chase the shadow that seems to be pursuing me—my shady past.
As a result, I ended up living on the streets, trapped in a perpetual cycle of life, unable to move forward, searching for the reason behind my disgraceful state—blinded by alcohol abuse.
The reason was right before me, but I had to be honest with myself to reach that acceptance.
Why is it so hard for us to admit our own mistakes? Could we fear exposing our vulnerability and showing how imperfect we are?
The real issue is that we believe that making mistakes makes us appear less intelligent. One of humans’ fundamental survival instincts is to be perceived as attractive based on their level of intelligence.
This instinct gave the Neandertals an advantage in mating and survival.
So, what does this have to do with us?
Well, we still behave like them, but with modern updates. It’s ingrained in our genetics. We even carry survival behaviors that they did.
Observe how we react when we sense danger. We instinctively behave like cornered cats, defending ourselves with teeth and claws.
When I found myself in a precarious situation as a homeless person, I realized that “honesty” was the key to understanding my mistakes and the obstacles that hindered my escape from the challenging circumstances.
However, my attempts to overcome my addiction were met with setbacks. I tried to quit drinking, but I found myself relapsing into the same cycle of drinking and then trying to stop again. It was like a never-ending struggle with no clear end in sight.
It was only after a period of self-reflection that I began to understand the root cause of my addiction. I realized that I had been fighting against the system that was perpetuating my problem rather than trying to change the system itself.
To break free from this cycle, I decided to change my environment. I started spending my days away from the places and people that triggered my cravings. I avoided hanging out with the same people, listening to the same conversations, and even smelling alcohol.
While these small changes may not have seemed significant at first, they gradually accumulated and began to have a positive impact on my life. I ended up sleeping in a shelter, but I also began to develop new habits and think differently. I started to see a glimmer of hope for a better future.
Habits are the compound interest of self-improvement. The same way that money multiplies through compound interest, the effects of your habits multiply as you repeat them. They seem to make little difference on any given day, and yet the impact they deliver over the months and years can be enormous. –James Clear, author of “Atomic Habits,”
That was my (Aha) moment. Unintentionally, I applied the knowledge I had gained throughout my journey, and that system saved my life.
When you reach rock bottom, you have no choice but to rise. Shake off the dust and try again. At least recognize that the foundation is solid and can be leveraged to your advantage.
Construct a solid foundation upon that rock bottom to give you a trustworthy new beginning. Transform all life’s challenges into the heat that will transform the coal within you into a radiant diamond.
Be honest with yourself. Humility will open the way for your heart to be filled with faith in your ability to achieve it.
You possess the power to transform your life and inspire others.
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