La Mejor “Decision” Que Tome En La Vida Fue Alejarme De La Bebida

El Verdadero Cambio No Ocurrió Hasta Que Me Di Cuenta Que “NO CAMBIAR SERÍA PEOR” Recordando una ves que deambulaba por las calles desoladas a la medianoche, sentí un momento de iluminación y me di cuenta de mi situación actual. Sentí dejar mi cuerpo y observar mi realidad presente que me mostraba el futuro que […]

What We Focus On…That’s What We’ll Become!

Wherever We Put Our Energies And Our Attention, Those Things Will Develop One day, sitting on a sidewalk, I felt great pressure on my chest observing the liquor bottle I was holding; I had an internal dialogue. How can it be possible that knowing the damage you have caused me…I still accept you in my life? […]

A Story of Addiction, Recovery and Creativity

The Story of a Lifetime How many times have I woken up every morning? Meditating on the reasons why I feel so distressed about writing down my life experiences. Or, how many times have I met someone on my way, to whom from my heart would like to help him solve his alcoholism problem? The […]

On the Journey to Improve your Life, You’ll Discover Hidden Talents

There’s a Treasure Trove Hidden in Each One of Us Our own failures and setbacks in life push us to find a way to overcome them. We take two paths, and the easiest is to stagnate and continue digging dipper, bringing more trouble into our lives. Whilst the path that leads to recovery and improvement, […]

I Don’t miss My EX-…ALCOHOLIC LIFESTYLE. It Was Death Row.

The Anniversary of My Ex-Life is The One I Celebrate The Most. I have been saved from so many nightmares since the day I reflected and took action towards a life of sobriety. Alcohol is a stealthy agent capable of infiltrating our lives in a happy life disguise. Diluting our short-term worries or on the […]

My personal experience with GOD that help me get out of Alcoholism!

Photo by Ian Espinosa on Unsplash THE BIGGEST BATTLE OF MY LIFE. There may be clinically approved methods and detox programs that can help a person regain sobriety. But without any continuity program, there is a danger that the person could relapse again. Based on my personal experience, this is how I was able to […]