Get to know your value first to understand how to unfold in life.

Let wisdom light your way. Look in the mirror and look into your eyes. Do you know what you see? A masterpiece. A miracle of existence. Do not allow yourself or anyone else’s opinion to rob you of the incredible gift of this life. The acceptance that you are a unique living creature. Always breathe […]

Hay un Tesoro Escondido en Nuestro Interior

En el Proceso de Mejorar tu Vida, Descubriras Dones y Talentos Esperando ser Descubiertos Nuestros propios fracasos y reveses en la vida nos empujaran a buscar una salida. Hay dos caminos, y el mas facil es estancarse y seguir cavando profundo, trayendo mas problemas a nuestras vidas. Mientras que, el camino que conduce a la […]

My personal experience with GOD that help me get out of Alcoholism!

Photo by Ian Espinosa on Unsplash THE BIGGEST BATTLE OF MY LIFE. There may be clinically approved methods and detox programs that can help a person regain sobriety. But without any continuity program, there is a danger that the person could relapse again. Based on my personal experience, this is how I was able to […]

Living a Resurrected Life

Everyone goes through adversity. We all have hard times. It’s easy to become negative and bitter and to lose your enthusiasm for life when everything is going south. We get a victim mentality, always blaming someone else, dragging around what’s left of our dignity. YOU ARE NOT DEFINED BY YOUR PAST. YOU ARE PREPARED BY […]