“A Walk On The Train Tracks”

The Mystic Attraction To Take A Walk On The Quiet tracks

Photo provided by “Author” Me.

I was walking on the busy avenue where MIT and HARVARD students collide frequently (Central Square.) Sometimes for shopping in the exotic stores or simply to hang out at a wide-open no-windows bar.

Many people were walking down the subway, others passing by, and the regular homeless begging for kindness. Everybody was busy minding their world. My mind and perspective have changed a lot about life, wildly since I scribble as a writer. I see everything around with a more rationale mentality, thinking of the challenges, the hustle, and at the same time, the kindness of humanity in these pandemic times.

Everybody is trying to resurge, evolve and even adapt to the current situation. Businesses are getting back to regular hours, and students are trying to get back to live classes. Working with a mask is still a struggle, but everything has an end, and I hope that we are all alright.

Close to MIT, right after the Square, there are train tracks that seemed abandoned, but nothing is amiss in this busy and expensive city. When I walk by the railroad and see if there’s no danger to cross, It’s always quiet, and I observe the tranquility in the distance.

I feel as if something attracts me to take a walk in peace. An escape from reality. “A walk on the train tracks.”

I began to observe bunnies playing around, little birds singing, and squirrels chasing each other. As if falling into a rabbit hole of fantasy, my mind began to relax, rediscovering a connection with nature amid a noisy world. I felt the desire to walk and balance myself on the track and see how far I can go, as if walking on a tightrope, balancing my thoughts with my body.

It was a challenge, and it takes practice to balance your body with your mind. It is almost like a meditation state in which we silence our thoughts to reach an interconnection between body, mind, and soul.

However, the joy of seeing the distance traveled made me think about how far I have come in life since I began taking responsibility for my actions.

“I cannot control the fluctuations of life, but I can prevent myself and respond to changes.”

Now my imagination was taking over. I saw a blurred past where I made decisions based on feeding my ego. My joy for life was taken away by chasing pure pleasure and fun (behind Alcohol.) All that I found was a derailed lifestyle, but no time for regrets. Thank God I found a way out, and now I enjoy learning to balance “on the railroad of life.”

I looked at the far distance with perspective eyes and saw an endless journey. It seemed that every favorable decision and every step forward on the railroad I was taking would lead me to enjoy a fruitful life. I believed hearing the birds cheering my progress, and it matters a lot to me because I don’t seek to find the approval of other human beings from now on. I realized, nobody is perfect, and we all make mistakes.

Suddenly, I turned around and saw the distance traveled; I had reached an intersection. There’s a park to my right and an exit to the street to my left.

I have many memories of that park. It was the spot where I hung out with my homeless comrades to drink and get high. I saw people die in that place of overdose and alcoholism, and have recognized on my way to recovery that sometimes the past wants to suck you back, but those are the perfect moments to remind myself, “I’ve come too far to turn back.” I use those times of despair as fuel to move forward in life.

Photo provided by “Author” Me.

Then I looked to the left side, an exit to the street, and it reminded me of how life always gives you a way out. An opportunity to reinvent and start all over again (Like the Phoenix.)

“I realize I was playing blind because unbridled life tastes better than one full of responsibilities. In the end, they only lead to calamity.”

However, turning around once in a while to measure your progress is not a bad thing, as long as you don’t fall back. But looking forward again, I realize that the end of my journey is not here yet, and I still can’t see the end of the train tracks. I feel that I’m just beginning to live.

Making the right decisions helped me get off the derailed lifestyle I was living. I got off the railroad tracks, took the left path, and rejoined society. The people, the cars, and the course of life did not stop to wait for me. It was me who was missing the best of “living life to my full potential.”

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