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Why Do I Keep Stumbling Over the Same Bad Habits?

Could it be that I’m secretly in love with bad behaviors? It was five in the afternoon, the day was mild, and my comrades were already gathered having fun. I kept trying to stay away from addictions, even covering my ears and closing my eyes to not see how everyone seemed to enjoy life “supposedly.” At […]

When People Admit They Cannot Change, It’s Mostly “A Lack Of Incentive”

Create the incentives and your behavior will follow suit. I remember so many times that I tried to avoid drinking with a lot of effort — proposing a distance transformed into time. I set the space in my mind to stop drinking for at least a month. And how well I look through the process! The change […]

Anecdote Of The Grateful Homeless

Life Is Like A Boat *And If We Don’t Row Together* We’re Not Going Anywhere In these difficult pandemic times, it was easy to feel trapped and isolated from what was happening to others. In reality, we were all looking for a way to sustain and protect our homes and ourselves from collapsing. All social operating systems […]

“A Walk On The Train Tracks”

The Mystic Attraction To Take A Walk On The Quiet tracks I was walking on the busy avenue where MIT and HARVARD students collide frequently (Central Square.) Sometimes for shopping in the exotic stores or simply to hang out at a wide-open no-windows bar. Many people were walking down the subway, others passing by, and the […]

The Sad Reality Of Homelessness “Everyone Wants To Ignore”

The People That Lost The Willpower To Break Free From Physical And Mental Bondage Every day that I walk, either to the train station or the nearest cafeteria, it has become almost impossible not to stop bumping into beggars wandering around. People with different characters. Some are courteous who open the doors for you, and […]

La Mejor “Decision” Que Tome En La Vida Fue Alejarme De La Bebida

El Verdadero Cambio No Ocurrió Hasta Que Me Di Cuenta Que “NO CAMBIAR SERÍA PEOR” Recordando una ves que deambulaba por las calles desoladas a la medianoche, sentí un momento de iluminación y me di cuenta de mi situación actual. Sentí dejar mi cuerpo y observar mi realidad presente que me mostraba el futuro que […]

“A Tale of a Rabbit and a Squirrel”

An Inspiring Tale From An Animals Point Of View “How warm my home feels,” I whispered, stretching my legs. There’s a delicious tingle sensation from scratching my nose repeatedly after yawning. My stomach felt warm, too, perhaps another itchy feeling that needs a different feed of satisfaction. Slowly making my way out, the ground felt warm. […]

What We Focus On…That’s What We’ll Become!

Wherever We Put Our Energies And Our Attention, Those Things Will Develop One day, sitting on a sidewalk, I felt great pressure on my chest observing the liquor bottle I was holding; I had an internal dialogue. How can it be possible that knowing the damage you have caused me…I still accept you in my life? […]

Las Aventuras Del Conejo Y La Ardilla

Una Historia Inspiradora Y Creativa Desde el Punto De Vista Animal “Que tibio se siente mi hogar al despertar,” susurré, estirando las patas. Se siente una sensación deliciosa cuando me rasco la nariz, después de bostezar. “AWWWWHHUMMMMM!“ Mi estomago también se siente calentito, pero esa es otra clase de sensación que necesita otra clase de […]